Microsoft AZ-120 – Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads

Acest curs oferă profesioniștilor IT care au experiență cu soluțiile SAP cum să utilizeze resursele Azure care includ implementarea și configurarea mașinilor virtuale, conturile de stocare și Azure AD care include implementarea și gestionarea identităților hibride.

Cui i se adresează?

Acest curs se adresează tuturor administratorilor Azure care migrează și gestionează soluțiile SAP pe Azure. Se adresează Administratorilor Azure care gestionează serviciile cloud care acoperă stocarea, rețelele și calculează capacitățile cloud, cu o înțelegere profundă a fiecărui serviciu pe întregul ciclu de viață IT.

Detalii curs


4 zile


800 EUR

Nivel de specializare


Modalități de livrare

Clasă virtuală

Roluri asociate


Ce vei învăța?

După finalizarea acestui curs, cursanții vor ști:

  • să migreze SAP HANA, S/4HANA, SAP NetWeaver către Azure
  • utilizeze portalul Azure, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI și Resource Manager
  • utilizeze caracteristici de conectivitate, inclusiv conexiuni VNet Peering și conexiuni VNet-to-VNet
  • să lucreze cu Azure Active Directory (AAD) și Azure AD Connect

Agenda cursului:

Materialele de curs sunt în limba Engleză. Predarea se face în limba Română.

Module 1: Introduction

Contains an overview of the SAP and Microsoft partnership.

Module 2: Foundations of SAP on Azure

Contains brief lessons on Azure compute, Azure storage, Azure networking, SAP HANA for Azure (Large Instances), identity services, governance and manageability, backup and data protection services, and migration services.

Module 3: SAP Certified Offerings on Azure

Contains lessons on general prerequisites (SAP support in public cloud environments), deployment options of Azure for SAP workloads, SAP product-specific support for Azure, operating System support of Azure for SAP workloads, storage support of Azure for SAP workloads, networking support for SAP, database support for SAP, high availability and disaster recovery support for SAP, and monitoring requirements for SAP.

Lab : Online Lab: Implementing Linux clustering on Azure VMs
Lab : Online Lab: Implementing Windows clustering on Azure VMs
Module 4: SAP on Azure Reference Architecture

Contains lessons on SAP NetWeaver with AnyDB, SAP S4 HANA, and SAP HANA on Azure (Large Instances) on Azure VMs.

Module 5: Planning for Implementing SAP Solutions on Azure

Contains lessons on Azure VM compute, network, and storage considerations. As well as Azure VM high availability and disaster recovery, Azure VM backup considerations, Azure VM monitoring considerations, Azure VM security considerations, and Azure VM authentication and access control considerations.

Module 6: Planning for Migrating SAP Workloads to Azure

Contains lessons on strategies for migrating SAP systems to Microsoft Azure and SAP a workload planning and deployment checklist.

Module 7: Implementing Azure VM-based SAP Solutions

Contains lessons on Azure VM deployment methodologies, single-instance implementations (2-tier or 3-tier), implementing HA SAP NetWeaver with AnyDB on Azure VMs, implementing HA SAP HANA on Azure VMs, configure the Azure Enhanced Monitoring Extension for SAP, and implementing AD and Azure AD-based authentication.

Module 8: Deploying HANA Large Instances (HLI)

Contains a lesson on implementing HANA Large Instances (HLI).

Module 9: Migrating SAP Workloads to Azure

Contains lessons on migration options, DMO methodologies, cloud migration options, and Very Large Database Migration to Azure.

Lab : Online Lab-Implement SAP architecture on Azure VMs running Linux
Lab : Online Lab-Implement SAP architecture on Azure VMs running Windows
Module 10: Maintaining SAP on Azure

Contains lessons on, remote management, performing backups and restores, OS and workload updates, vertical and horizontal scaling, and Disaster Recovery (DR).

Module 11: Monitoring and Troubleshooting SAP on Azure

Contains lessons on monitoring Azure VMs, monitoring SAP HANA on Azure (Large Instances), and integrating SAP solutions with Microsoft cloud services.